15 Questions with… Nilam Limbu, Model and contestant of Miss Megaverse Nepal leading to the 2017 world finals of the competition in Punta Cana Dominican Republic.
We ask model and Miss Megaverse Nepal contestant, Nilam Limbu our quickblast questions.
- I usually wake up at…7am
- I would never leave my home without… Phone
- My beauty essentials include… Lipstick
- My biggest fashion pet peeve is… sports shoes on a pencil skirt
- My favorite travel snack is… Fruit
- The last thing I Googled was…Youtube
- If my days had one extra hour… I would go to gym
- On a typical Saturday night I… spend time at home with family and my dog
- The article of clothing I’m currently wearing most… hummm…
- My biggest fashion regret is… wearing bow hairband on a formal dress
- When I’m stressed I… am quiet
- What I love most about my country is… my culture
- The best advice I ever got… is to believe in myself and have faith from my mom
- If I could meet anyone living or dead it
would be… Princess Diana
- My favorite place to shop is… Any Fashion
store/Clothes Store