Let me start from the very beginning of my story in Miss Multiverse.
Miss Multiverse it’s not a classic beauty competition, this is more of a personality contest & TV reality show. This is what appealed to me in the first place and why i am so excited about this journey.
I left my home on 27th of November very yearly in the morning. Arriving to the airport of Punta Cana welcomed me with that amazing holiday atmosphere, good weather and happy live music.

Yolandi Franken the National Director of Australia meet me in airport, and took me to the final destination The amazing Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Punta Cana. This is the moment when all the adventures started.
As we arrived to the hotel, I received my all inclusive bracelet and taken to my amazing hotel room where i prepared for the special event of the night. During that event we met all the other contestants for the first time and received our sashes in a podium in front of fans and guests of the resort with a live band and great atmosphere.
The second day we had an introduction interview in the board room and the first IQ test, which was so different than any test i have taken before. In the evening we had a formal dinner with all the girls to learn more about each other.

The 3rd day, was the first day when the organization tested our sportive abilities. In the morning we went to the Aqua Park where we had to compete between girls individually and also as a team.
The First activity was the “Blue monster” This obstacle course requires balance as we run on a track floating on water, where you have to climb, jump and maneuver on your way. But there is a catch. Its full of slippery soap.. This activity was such a fun challenge, it was not easy but i definitely did enjoy a lot, especially because I won from my opponent.
Right after “The Blue Monster” we had a challenge crossing a rope suspended above the water! We had to climb our way across in the same time with a concurrent girl while trying not to slip into the water before we reach the end. Luckily I won here as well.

Then came the last challenge for that day, we had the Zip line and I’m so happy to say that all the girls did it very well till the end. In my opinion it was really a cool day, a good warm-up to start the complex challenges that are coming in the next weeks.
The 4th day we meet again in boardroom, but unexpectedly we had the first elimination round, I can surely say it was not easy to be on the edge of our nerves… but also a wake up call to realize that this is a competition and that not all of us will make it to the very end. This was however quickly forgotten with an amazing photo-shoot on the beach with all the girls on the new hashtag of the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Punta Cana

The 5th day we where divided in 2 different groups, Group A and Group B. (I was in group B.) Group A went to start a new challenge, and my Group stayed in the resort for a little bit of Hard Rock relaxation, but we knew a challenge was coming at any moment.
Day 6. My group received that new challenge. Surviving on a deserted beach for a day and a night, without any resources, AND knowing that between us, there was a spy placed by the opposing team to sabotage our work so we could lose our points.
First step was to chose a team captain. I was pleased when girls from my team chose me to be the team leader. I did my out-most best to be a good leader, listen to everyone’s opinion and take the right decision for the team. As we did know that we had a spy, we decided that’s better to keep the phones away from all of us. We constructed a little shelter with palm tree branches to sleep in the night time, we also made a little fire to stay warm and safe. Around 9 p.m. girls started to go to sleep one by one, but I stayed awake taking care of the fire while my team was resting. later on we switch with another team member so I could get some sleep. Everything went well in the first day and night, thankfully my group created a harmonic and respectful atmosphere.

The task of the following day was to create a complex map for the opposite team. We had to provide a map with real clues but in riddles to make it difficult for them to solve the map. In the other hand, we where taken to the deserted beach where the opposite team left their clues for us to discover and solve their map. It was not an easy challenge, it had riddles, hints, complex mathematical equations. AND a sneaky spy among us, sabotaging our efforts. We did our best, but we didn’t win, I’m however very proud of my team. “The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team” by Phil Jackson.
Week 2
What a coincidence, the second week of Miss Multiverse started with my birthday… and as well with a meeting in the boardroom in business outfits… we had to share our experiences at the deserted beach, and announce if we where able to figure out who was the spy in our group. Then, because i was the team leader, I had to choose the weakest link in the team and send that person to the opposite group. In the other hand, the leader of the opposing team had to do the same. It was so hard to do this, especially because after our team work we all became closer to each other, but I had to make a decision. AND i did. Then… surprise !!!! The team leaders where swapped, so picture this… I become the leader of the other team but had to face the weakest link i took out from my previous team, who was now in my new team and probably upset. Very upset! enough to give me a hard time while leading the new team.
I think the next adventure helped me to re-connect with the so called ¨weakest link¨ and leave behind any hard feelings. We went to the most peaceful place ever Montana Redonda. We had such an amazing time in this incredible place and became even closer to each other, this place had such a positive vibe… What a nice present from Miss Multiverse to take us here in my birthday.
The day finished in such a nice way, with cutting my birthday cake, and a super cool party in Coco Bongo. Thank you, Miss Multiverse for such a nice day, specially to the CEO of this contest LIINDA GRANDIA, an incredible woman, and of course thanks to all the beauties for being always so nice with me and making this birthday feel so special.
The 6th December took us to the pool party with a little catwalk and with a lot of fun.
The next morning we met in the boardroom to receive a new set of challenges. The first one we needed to achieve was the Charity Project as a group. We needed to rebuild a house of a very poor family but where given no resources at all, literally ZERO and the challenge was to come up with clever ways to fund raise out of thin air, using nothing but our brains, skills and team efforts. My group focused very fast on our goal and we immediately started to collect money in the evening before the karaoke challenge.
When the fund raising deadline arrived, we went to buy everything to reconstruct the families home, and started the rebuilding project.
December 10th we had an amazing project to clean plastic by de Ocean, we did a good job and we really hope that our activity can inspire other people to think more about Mother Earth and help to keep it clean.
December 11th was probably the most difficult Challenge , “ The last woman standing“
I still cannot believe I made it to second place, wow…. To be honest, I often felt an Angel on my shoulder saying “Don’t give up, u can do this”, but on other shoulder a little devil was saying “Give up, go to rest”, but I didn’t give up, I stayed until I fainted. To the very end.. So proud of us girls!!!
The road to the crown !!!

The second half of the Miss Multiverse adventure started immediately after the semi-finals. We started the day with saying “Good bye” to our friends who didn’t make it to the Top 10. It was a sad morning full with emotions. But besides the sad side, we know that our friendship will last forever. It’s not a good bye, it’s a see you soon!!!

Later on, we meet in the boardroom for a new challenge, this time for a political debate about two topics. First: “Dominican Republic as a 3rd world country“ and Second: ”Is global warming man made or natural cause” The debate was conducted in a diplomatic way, both sides came up with their own opinion pros and cons.

The next day started with a fun ride with dune buggies. Feeling the adrenaline of the speed, the wind in our hair and the mud splashing on all over us was an amazing experience. On the way back we enjoyed great music, and the magical lights of the sunset by the Caribbean Sea.
And here comes a new day, will it be a new challenge? no, not today, today we have to vote for who will become Miss Friendship. This title is given to the most friendly, most helpful and most caring in the group. Each contestant has to vote, the one with the most votes wins this title.

And the Winner… of Miss Friendship is…. Miss Moldova!!!
Yes, it’s me… and I’m saying a ¨very big¨ thank you, to all the girls who voted for me, and its not about the title, this is more about the beautiful fact, that “Friendship is a lot like wet cement. Once you stick your feet in, it’s hard to get them out, and you always leave your footsteps behind”, I know , that our friendship will not end with this competition, I’m sure we will remain in touch. I’m grateful each day for the beautiful people who surround me, and made my days more beautiful and interesting during this competition.
The next morning started with the Surf Challenge at with best teachers ever, Macao Surf Camp. After just 20 minutes instruction, we went to surf the beautiful restless waves of the ocean.
This experience was totally about overcoming my limits. I couldn’t even imagine that I will stand on the board, nor reach the end of this surf competition, but ultimately… I was the one who won the overall challenge. I am so happy, so excited and feeling like a child who learned to ride a bike for the first time. There’s no fear, when you’re having fun!!!!

What a great experience!!!
Straight after such an amazing challenge, it’s time for another experience for strong women who are not afraid of pain and bruises, the Paintball shooting. The battle was individual; meaning, just you and your opponent in the battlefield. Coincidence or not, but the girl representing one of the most powerful country in the world won the Paintball Fight, Miss America.
The next day we took an incredible trip in to the middle of the jungle. I love it!!!

From the moment you arrive to the Dominican Tree House Village you will literally feel in heaven.. I have never seen a place like this in my life, so peaceful, so balanced, the perfect place to be, to relax, and to totally disconnect from the “always there” phone and social media. But, we cannot forget why we are here…, yes, yes, we are at Miss Multiverse, that’s why, now it’s time for a new challenge, an Advanced IQ Test, in a difficult challenging conditions with sleep inducing music and the sounds of nature. This made our eyes heavy and difficult to stay awake, let along concentrate in difficult IQ test questions.

Wow, what a pleasure to wake up in the middle of the jungle surrounded by beautiful trees and nicely designed little houses. Being able to see how mother nature wakes up, how birds start to sing their morning concert sessions, how the sun is rising and how the jungle is breathing….. The closest way to experience heaven, is to spend time with Mother Nature!

Now we are back to our home, Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Punta Cana, getting ready for the big final show. The most important night…

I dreamed about becoming the face of my country since I was a little girl. To represent my piece of heaven in one of the best beauty contests in the world, and here I am to continue my mission, but this time, I don’t represent just my country, first of all I’m here like a personality, with values and personal beliefs. In Miss Multiverse I learned that our character is not defined by the battles we win or lose, but by the battles we dare to fight.