Let’s face it, if you don’t have plans to see Spider-Man this weekend, you at the very least have heard that it’s now playing at theatres everywhere and might just be a little curious how good it is. British actor Tom Holland steps into the shoes vacated by Andrew Garfield once the reboot was announced, and has quickly shot to fame. But where does he rank on our list of actors who have played the wallcrawler? Find out below.
4. Nicholas Hammond – What, you’ve never heard of this guy? Well maybe you never knew Spider-Man was on TV from 1977 – 1979 either then. Hammond was the first actor to play the web-slinger (that is if you don’t count Danny Seagren who played the character on the children’s show The Electric Company in short skits), but since the show really never caught on he disappeared in the annual of television history.
3. Tobey Maguire – Maguire played Spider-Man over the course of three films from 2002 – 2007, and while he did a pretty decent job of it, he wasn’t as obnoxious as the superhero could be in the comic books and cartoons. He needed to be more vocal, and stand out more than he did.
2. Andrew Garfield – 2012’s The Amazing Spider-Man and it’s 2014 sequel had a great actor playing the titular role, and he really was everything you’d want Spider-Man and Peter Parker to be, except he was a little too old for the role. In the comic books Spider-Man started out in high-school, and Garfield was obviously too old for that. The biggest problem with his films wasn’t Garfield though, it was the script and the attempt at darkening up a superhero that is supposed to be more comical.
1. Tom Holland – Holland seems to have it all. He’s the right age, has the right look, and you really can get behind him as Spidey. When he made his debut in Captain America Civil War last year, he was all everyone was talking about. And this year, Homecoming might just be the best Superhero film yet.
Honourable Mention: Paul Soles – Ok, sure you might not know what Soles looks like, but does it matter? He voiced Spider-Man and Peter Parker in the 1967 – 1970 cartoon series that kids today are still growing up on. The theme song from the show is still well known around the world as well. And really, even though people might know what Soles looks like, they know what he sounds like.